Greatest American Cleanup
Keep Nebraska City Beautiful invites residents of Nebraska City to take part in a Litter Cleanup on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. meeting at the Sunken Parking Lot as part of the Greatest American Cleanup™, a nationwide litter cleanup and green-up initiative led by Keep America Beautiful®. Volunteers will be picking up litter along our streets and in our local highways while contributing to the larger effort to remove 25 billion pieces of litter and beautifying 25,000 communities by July 4, 2026, America’s 250th birthday.
Holiday Light Recycling Drive
We collected a total of 291lbs of lights during this year’s drive. THANK YOU!
Bench Dedication Ceremony
Please join us in dedicating the NEX TREX new bench at Kearney Hill Park on Thursday, October 10 at 4:00 p.m.! Kearney Hill Neighbors appreciate all who have collected plastic bags, who have been a drop-off site, those that have picked up the bags, and anyone supporting our cause.
AppleJack Parade
Watch for the KNCB "Dancing" garbage cans in costume at the end of the parade to collect the parade garbage. Hang onto your garbage until the end of the parade.
Arbor Day Parade
Keep Nebraska City Beautiful will be marching in the Apple Jack parade and handing out reusable bags. Please remember this is a Litter Free Event.
Great American City Wide Cleanup
Garbage bags, grabbers, and vests will be provided. Please meet at the Sunken Parking Lot. Help us clean up Nebraska City before the Arbor Day Parade!
Star City Electronics Recycling Event
Bring any electronics, large & small appliances, equipment or metals for recycling or refurbishing.
Limit of 2 large appliances per household.