Our Impact

While many factors play a role in making recycling successful, three key factors guide the work of Keep Nebraska City Beautiful to improve recycling in America: convenience, communication, and cause (getting people to understand the many benefits of recycling and why they should care).

By educating and engaging individuals to recycle more of the right things the right way—at home, at work and on-the-go, we can help make recycling more economically viable, creating jobs and providing recyclables to manufacture new products and packaging, while continuing to reap greater environmental and community benefits. Learn more about some of our key recycling programs & events.

Recycling Drop-Off in Our Office

We collect the following items in our office:

  • Mascara Wands: 1.7 Million Mascara Wands end up in landfills every year. Zoos use them to comb animal fur.

  • Razors: Terraycle recycles them for us

  • Ink Cartridges and Toners: We take them to STAPLES and they recycle them.

  • Batteries: We take them to STAPLES to recycle them

  • Plastic Bags

Recycling Programs in Nebraska City



Walmart recycles all clean plastic bags & recycles used ink cartridges from home printers. 

This includes shopping bags, dry cleaning bags all Walmart reusable shopping bags and Newspaper sleeves. Drop them in this blue box right inside the door at our local Walmart.


Morton James Public Library

Morton James Public Library recycles your magazines. Bring them to the front desk. They are located at 923 1st Corso and their hours are 9:00 am to 5 pm during the week.


American Recycling & Sanitation

2524 N. 2nd Street, Nebraska City, NE 68410 402-874-9291